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Most downloads over all time
150801-150820 of all 180,448 gems.
150,7983,206embulk-input-jstatEmbulk input plugin for Java Virtual Machine statistics by jstat command.
150,7983,206jira_cardsWith JiraCards you can print Jira issues in a pdf.
150,7983,206spine-permissionsRole based authentication
150,7983,206dss_parserParses DSS comments from css files
150,7983,206yetanothernguyen-shoulda-matchersMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes. This fork makes validate_uniqueness_of match...
150,7983,206rubybriteA simple API wrapper for Eventbrite V3.
150,7983,206romanconvertConverts numbers to a Roman Numeral String and vice-versa
150,7983,206libhxl-rubyA simple gem to parse your HXL files
150,7983,206kastenLet users draw a Kasten (German for box) in an X environment and get it's dimensions
150,7983,206levenshtein_strUse String#levenshtein(other_str) to get the levenshtein distance between 2 strings. Us...
150,7983,206pxvideo_rails%q{HTML5 PxVideo plugin}
150,7983,206firekassaRuby Client of Firekassa API
150,7983,206peteonrails-threaded-collectionsA package for manipulating collections over many threads
150,7983,206pietern-simpleflickrRolling your own Flickr libs was never *this* easy
150,7983,206mercurypayThis is a wrapper for Mercury Payments REST API
150,7983,206bnA API adapter and entity mapper.
150,7983,206peruseHuman-friendly query language for Elasticsearch. Formerly known as plunk.
150,7983,206ruboty-aunruboty plugin for binary handler.
150,7983,206violet_eyeSimple gem to get information from Blizzard's API