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Most downloads over all time
153881-153900 of all 180,488 gems.
153,8783,046queryjdbcA simple gem file to query JDBC DB
153,8783,046tagistranoAutomatically create git tags on Capistrano tasks
153,8783,046foundation_front_endAll the CSS and javascript assets needed to use ZURB Foundation 5 for your Responsive W...
153,8783,046honey_mushroomHoney Mushroom builds and traverses common abstract data structures in Ruby
153,8783,046percy-ciWrite me.
153,8783,046umpirePlain old ruby objects with a helper for use in your apps
153,8783,046remotely_exceptionalRemote control of exceptions raised in distant contexts.
153,8783,046outriderOutrider's purpose is to provide an easy-to-use programming interface and organisationa...
153,8783,046movie-searchSearches movies using the OMDapi. It's also a CLI that organizes movies based on when t...
153,8783,046lita-openweathermapA Lita handler that provides data from
153,8933,045changebaseRuby library for integrating with
153,8933,045path_toSimple class to handle conditional logic of looking for a file in multiple paths.
153,8933,045meta_nexusWith this gem you can get access to Blizzard's games web api.
153,8933,045three_taps_apiA simple, lightweight wrapper to call the 3taps API. Requires an authentication key fr...
153,8933,045lobiboxing-railsGem to automate use of the lobibox plugin using asset pipeline.
153,8933,045eztek-mediat_rThis is an async implementation of Mediator pattern with pipline behaviors. It is a por...
153,8933,045form_adderAdd some form to your ruby objects.
153,8933,045gem_syslibscheck for not installed gems and if they need system libs it will install them