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Most downloads over all time
153961-153980 of all 180,507 gems.
153,9543,044octonotificationContains notifications specific stuff
153,9543,044capistrano-unicorn-tasksProvides some unicorn tasks for capistrano.
153,9543,044nebulaeRuby orchestration framework for HashiCorp based deployment pipelines.
153,9543,044capistrano3-foreman-precogsForeman support for Capistrano 3.x
153,9543,044payumoneyPayumoney is kind of wallet and it has support for paying through other ways in its own...
153,9543,044gitbulkGitbulk is cli for mirroring many git repositories at once
153,9543,044libproxyRuby bindings for libproxy.
153,9543,044sketchfablyHelpers for the Sketchfab API
153,9693,043positive_kernel_supportThis gem provides some methods that extends 'Kernel#puts'.
153,9693,043nextractA function to extract n-dimensional data from an array of Hashes or Objects.
153,9693,043phraseapp-rubymotionRubyMotion library for PhraseApp
153,9693,043exponeaGem to integrate exponea into your app. Provides api for adding events and users, also ...
153,9693,043studio_game2015_spThis is a program I made while taking The Pragmatic Studio's intro course on Ruby. Ther...
153,9693,043team-password-manager-api-v4Ruby gem implementing Team Password Managers API v4
153,9693,043ifrbWe spend much of our professional lives in IRB. Why not make a game of it?
153,9693,043rc4_cipherA simple implementation of the RC4 Cipher
153,9693,043thriveClean-up tool
153,9693,043nesta-theme-lisezmoiA technical documentation theme for NestaCMS.
153,9693,043rsrrubyquestionsA simple gem
153,9693,043kalebr-pusherA websocket service compatible with Pusher libraries