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Most downloads over all time
153901-153920 of all 180,507 gems.
153,8963,047jsofJSON object wrapper to access properties like JavaScript.
153,8963,047lobiboxing-railsGem to automate use of the lobibox plugin using asset pipeline.
153,8963,047mlh-rubocop-configMLH Rubocop Config is a customized set of rules and guidelines for Ruby code.
153,8963,047percy-ciWrite me.
153,8963,047umpirePlain old ruby objects with a helper for use in your apps
153,8963,047micro_adminA minimal administration dashboard parts.
153,8963,047form_adderAdd some form to your ruby objects.
153,8963,047gem_syslibscheck for not installed gems and if they need system libs it will install them
153,8963,047lpckkccA simple hello world gem
153,8963,047human_attribute_valueTranslate rails models attribute values just like attribute names.
153,9123,046omniauth-crozdeskCrozdesk OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
153,9123,046path_toSimple class to handle conditional logic of looking for a file in multiple paths.
153,9123,046josufst_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
153,9123,046cm_gemThis gem is used for the email validation and basic string operation like left padding,...
153,9123,046omniauth-telphinTelphin OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
153,9123,046juhejuhe finance api.
153,9123,046three_taps_apiA simple, lightweight wrapper to call the 3taps API. Requires an authentication key fr...
153,9123,046leaflet-hash-railsAdd URL hashes to web pages with Leaflet maps
153,9123,046date_managerParse, validate, manipulate, and display dates.