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Most downloads over all time
153921-153940 of all 180,507 gems.
153,9123,046littlstarThis gem defines methods for controlling your content through the Littlstar API.
153,9123,046jekyll-remove-file-extensionSuper simple jekyll plugin that removes file extensions from a string
153,9123,046ruby-lsp-shoulda-contextAn addon for the Ruby LSP that enables shoulda-context testing
153,9123,046polymer_formBuild awesome forms with Polymer and Rails
153,9123,046logstash-input-evvntThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
153,9123,046htmoviesThis gem parses to provide the list of movies and cinemas.
153,9123,046hello_bilalA simple hello world gem
153,9123,046logstash-output-couchbaseThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
153,9123,046xbox_apixbox api wrapper
153,9123,046tlaloc-adapter-ospigem for controlling an open sprinkler pi
153,9313,045rubellaRubella is a library to generate heatmaps to monitor visualize measured values easier. ...
153,9313,045tunespiLook for movies, music, and other media through Itunes library with this gem.
153,9313,045top_videoUsing Youtube API, top_video is a gem which will allow you to retrieve rising videos fr...
153,9313,045nova_git_statsGit history statistics generator
153,9313,045polyspecRSpec's DSL for writing tests for your app is fantastic. This gem brings that DSL t...
153,9313,045rspec-paramAn RSpec helper to write parameterized tests with less boilerplate.
153,9313,045alphabet_soupWith this gem, a user can set a custom alphabet and alphabatize words with it
153,9313,045rancherManage short-lived Linodes for testing
153,9313,045slangSlang Ruby Client
153,9313,045immigradaScript parses Blogger Atom XML file for blog entries and saves ea...