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153941-153960 of all 180,507 gems.
153,9313,045CussyTakes in user input on a comment form and replaces any of the profane word with stars
153,9313,045courseraThin Ruby wrapper for beta Coursera API
153,9313,045golifeGame of life gem
153,9313,045static_postActiveRecord like interface to access static markup files.
153,9313,045dmtoolSuite of tools for RPGs. An excuse to create a fun little parser.
153,9313,045rubinius-net-ldapNet::LDAP for Ruby (also called net-ldap) implements client access for the Lightweight ...
153,9313,045random_variate_generatorRandom value generator of several distributions
153,9313,045omniauth-sportnginSport Ngin strategy for OmniAuth
153,9313,045jekyll-importmapA plugin for jekyll to utilize importmaps
153,9313,045okc_botAllows users to build bots that use okcupid
153,9313,045briefbagBriefbag manage your config
153,9313,045acts_as_queryableCheck the home page for more in-depth information.
153,9313,045swarmer_lifeTask 3
153,9543,044chained-railsChained is simple chained selects plugin. It works with both jQuery and Zepto. Use clas...
153,9543,044parameter_transformersProvides a proxy object that allows consistent transformation of arguments passed to ta...
153,9543,044ballotBallot provides a two-way polymorphic scoped voting mechanism for both ActiveRecord (4 ...
153,9543,044rps_telwellOne of my assignments is to make a rock, paper, scissors gem and make sure it's up and ...
153,9543,044perf2pprofperf2pprof converts perf record output to gperftools CPU profile format for analysis an...
153,9543,044studio_game_mbburchA game of chance. Get points by being w00ted, lose points by being blammed, and find tr...
153,9543,044scbi_goGeneOntology tools to summarize and graph go terms