Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142421-142440 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380vinted-abAB testing gem used internally by Vinted
69,2380selectize-rails-duplicates-patchLike selectize-rails but allows to add duplicate values to selectize inputs
69,2380pass_keywordAdd this gem to verbosely mark places as passed.
69,2380nfe-xmlAPI to validate the signature of an XML of NF-e
69,2380ThiagoLelis-gritBackgroundjob (Bj) is a simple to use background priority queue for rails. Although not...
69,2380thomaspeklak-OfflineSearchA semantic offline search
69,2380politokensGenerate memorable random names to use in your apps or anywhere else. Fork of Haikunato...
69,2380irb_trackerTrack all commands exected in an IRB console and correlate the actions to the users exe...
69,2380pragmatic_tut_studio_gamePragmatic Studios tutorial completion! A very simple game with a number of game compo...
69,2380isbndb-rubyLibrary for communicating with the ISBNdb.com's v2 API
69,2380pomber_covid19sssssssss: Write a longer description or delete this line.
69,2380prerequisitesSimplify checking pre-requisites (env. vars. & executables) for ruby scripts
69,2380logstash-output-jutlogstash output plugin that sends records to a Jut data engine
69,2380htmon-agentHTTP Monitoring agent.
69,2380knife-hadoopHadoop Chef Knife Plugin
69,2380magic-paperclipAdds better (a.k.a magic) file type detection support into Thoughtbot's Paperclip
69,2380readmoreA Ruby Wrapper for the readmore.de API
69,2380ocrRecognize text and characters from image files using web services.
69,2380g4s_clientG4S SOAP Client
69,2380motion-asyncxChainable async blocks for iOS