Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
142441-142460 of all 180,392 gems.
85,4300js2Javascript Sugar: A superset of the Javascript language to make development easier.
85,4300speciContiniusly rspec runner
85,4300lifo-ppAlgoritmo LIFO (Ăšltimo en entrar, primero en salir)
85,4300feedutilsfeedutils - web feed parser and normalizer (RSS 2.0, Atom, etc.)
85,4300dropio-dropioA Ruby client library for the Drop.io API (http://api.drop.io)
85,4300dnd-namerRandom item and Heroku-ish name generator that uses D&D classes and races.
85,4300maker_websiteCLI providing sequencing and feedback for building Maker Website
85,4300richatRichat is a command-line ChatGPT tool implemented in Ruby that supports highly customiz...
85,4300dumb_stock_apiAccess the dumbstockapi.com website
85,4300osuny_apiGem Ruby pour l'API Osuny
85,4300evil-structStructure with type constraints based on dry-initializer
85,4300releaseactiontestTest release.yml
85,4300marshalizemarshalize -i [input] -o [output]; unmarshalize -i [input] -o [output]
85,4300dstrelau-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
85,4300meeane-page-objectPage Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium
85,4300jerryvos-hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
85,4300mentholThai bank accounts balance scraper
85,4300flat_json_unflattenerRuby Gem which 'unflattens' the Flat JSON EtherCIS data format into structured JSON again
85,4300scottmotte-amazonavatarUpload avatars to amazonS3 on a User (or other) model. Simple and opinionated.
85,4300scottmotte-mailfactoryMailFactory is s simple module for producing RFC compliant mail that can include multip...