Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153461-153480 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380smokeclouds-rubocopA kept up-to-date rubocop configuration from an experienced ruby dev
69,2380geofipsGet latitude and longitude coordinates and bounds from FIPS location codes
69,2380imgurapiAn interface to the Imgur authenticated API
69,2380test_ruby_sdkA wrapper to facilitate making Kount RIS calls
69,2380password_strength_validatorvalidates strength of password with ActiveRecord
69,2380tigerpantsi'll decide soon, promise
69,2380emipair-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
69,2380simpleryou should check out rsruby first. This is a very low-tech way to run R. It does have...
69,2380secret_mailThe secret mail address is mapped to a sender address and a forwarding address or action
69,2380viera_playUses DLNA to play video files on Panasonic Viera TVs from the ...
69,2380fakturowniaThis gem gives integration with polish on-line invoicing service: http://fakturownia.pl
69,2380jcontrollerDOM-based Routing for Rails controller based javascript.
69,2380invalidatorFind unsafe ActiveRecord validations and the invalid data left behind
69,2380sazo-transmission-rsstransmission-rss is basically a workaround for transmission's lack of the ability t...
69,2380topo-provisionGenerate Chef provisioning recipes that can deploy resources such as instance and load ...
69,2380glpi-sdk-rubyA Ruby library for the GLPI API
69,2380is_masteris_master execute a command when it determine that server is master
69,2380protolif-acts_as_taggable_on_steroidsBased on fork of a fork of a fork of acts_as_taggable by DHH. Updated for Rails 3.2
69,2380rspec-non-deterministic-letThis repository is to do parallel state let easaly