Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153421-153440 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630simmerProvides a harness for testing Pentaho Data Integration jobs and transformations.
85,8630sportsport - sport data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, groups, te...
85,8630sportssports - sport data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, groups, t...
85,8630renseiUnparse from `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node` to Ruby code.
85,8630sjwvuie_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
85,8630fx-sqlserver-adapterAdds sqlserver adapter to Fx gem to enable database migrations and schema to work w...
85,8630gem_calculatingCalculator gem that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide
85,8630optinWelcome to to brand new opt-in mailing list
85,8630mushinmushin allows you to generate domain-specific frameworks and domain extenstions.
85,8630open_data_addressesA collection of addresses taken from the U.S. Government's open data. Meant to be used ...
85,8630jackal-coppereggCopperegg callback helpers
85,8630pry-fkeysHelp the user get to a place where the speedy F8/F10/F11/etc keys work. == Pry F-Keys ...
85,8630tabletable generator simply generates a database table for storing data from a model object....
85,8630piko_storeAbstraction layer for storage
85,8630ordgenordgen - ordinals (generative ORC-721) inscription (on bitcoin & co) helpers to generat...
85,8630influx_queryquery DSL for Influx
85,8630hounds-coreHounds templating and instanciation
85,8630song_proProvides classes for creating, parsing and rendering SongPro files
85,8630software_challenge_clientProvides functions to build a client for the coding competition Software-Challenge Germ...