Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153401-153420 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630epub-parser-ioParse EPUB 3 book loosely
85,8630draiodoirDraíodóir lets you take a regular HTML5 page, and turn it into a multi-step wizard.
85,8630net-receiverRuby Net Receiver.
85,8630ducklinkDecorates URLs according to a format specification
85,8630fu-templateVery first version of the J1 Template
85,8630ruby-reddit== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Scrapes links from reddit's hot page and new page. == SYNOPSI...
85,8630roflbaltASCII side-scrolling game, with ANSI color!
85,8630my_gem_sample_pruby_dazethis is my gem creating test
85,8630environment_flagAlways know what environment you are looking at in the browser. This places a colored-c...
85,8630jekyll-admin-josercc-joserccJekyll::Admin is a drop in administrative framework for Jekyll sites.
85,8630lita-dpextendOverride methods to using best of Lita
85,8630rounderRounds any numeric value to any nearest multiple of the chosen step.
85,8630rubykovThis gem defines Markov model-related classes.
85,8630solidus_simple_dashOverview dashboard for use with Solidus.
85,8630picasa_albumsSimple Google Picasa managment
85,8630pdkimPDKIM - a RFC4871 (DKIM) implementation http://duncanthrax.net/pdkim/ Copyright (C) 200...
85,8630omniauth-quizletquizlet omniauth strategy
85,8630eos_iconsThis gem allows for easy inclusion of the EOS iconic font into the Rails asset pipeline.
85,8630lolitadoLolitado DSL that works with Watir
85,8630trackunitTrackUnit REST API