Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153541-153560 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630pipelyGenerate dependency graphs from pipeline definitions.
85,8630ruboty-github_assignorAssign GitHub issues automatically
85,8630gametime-helperChecks localization, tracking events, etc
85,8630pieces_of_flairpieces of flair will grab some ascii art
85,8630logstash-input-cisco_ampThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
85,8630rabbit_specPlease use https://rubygems.org/gems/rabbitmq-spec
85,8630spree_promo_flat_order_total_percentIt allows to provide free order means 100% discount on order total
85,8630introIntro brings your rails application to new feature introduction and step-by-step users ...
85,8630easy_mathThe gem allows you to perform mathematical operations like addition od two numbers, sub...
85,8630lab42_kakKakoune scripting is very flexible but needs to be triggered by the shell, quite intere...
85,8630sc-ansiHandles every aspect (that I could think of) of dealing with ANSI escape sequences.
85,8630rspec-trace-formatterCreate traces from RSpec tests using OpenTelemetry or your own tracing library
85,8630lotus-migrationsMigrations for SQL databases
85,8630netatlas-pollerNetAtlas Poller
85,8630study_rubyIt serves as a learning resource for improving programming skills and enhancing logical...
85,8630git-issuesmanage git issues in cli
85,8630steam-web-apiRuby interface to Valve's Web API
85,8630fog-gridscaleThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone gridscale provider
85,8630phil_columns-activerecordPhil_columns adapter for activerecord. See README for more details.
85,8630hinkA command line utility to interface with Hink