Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153521-153540 of all 180,379 gems.
136,6050commitgptA CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI. Never write a commit messag...
136,6050activerecord-hash_optionsGives ActiveRecord where hashes more power like the ability to gt or like
136,6050twitter_connectfacebook connect style twitter oauth
136,6050cimInstances of Cim classes are used to define a CIM schema, often represented as a .mof f...
136,6050bitcoin-priceGet real time bitcoin prices from firebase.
136,6050url_info_extractorExtract title, meta-description and favicon out of a URL
136,6050dbagClient library to fetch and manage data bags from a server. Databags can be used for se...
136,6050active_recordishActiveRecordish is something like ActiveRecord. Assumed usage is using models don't hav...
136,6050zendeskRuby wrapper around the Zendesk API
136,6050txt2tagsConverts a text file with minimal markup to various formats
136,6050windclutterYour buddy to skyrocket your development with TailwindCSS.
136,6050whiplash-appthis gem provides connectivity to the Whiplash API for authentication and REST requests.
136,6050calledJust to log down what methods are called and from where
136,6050watir-wait_with_refreshWatir::WaitWithRefresh extends Watir to include methods that will refresh the page unti...
136,6050video_scraperWeb scraping library for video sharing sites.
136,6050badcarl-dm-googlebaseA DataMapper adapter for Google Base
136,6050calavera-jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
136,6050brewserLibrary for parsing and generating serialized brewing data
136,6050tutum-apiA Ruby wrapper for the Tutum API