Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153801-153820 of all 180,589 gems.
91,6450fluent-plugin-file-with-headerOutput file with header.
91,6450rigorA rigorous A/B testing framework.
91,6450meribahSend a file AND render a page
91,6450minitest-descriptiveMake your assertion diffs smarter
91,6450licensarioLicensario SDK
91,6450markbates-apn_on_railsapn_on_rails was developed by: markbates
91,6450markbates-blabber_mouthblabber_mouth was developed by: markbates
91,6450rompRomp is a lightweight Stomp client for Ruby
91,6450tentenmitsunoriA simple hello world gem
91,6450rattleRattle provides various utility methods that should have been in the standard library.
91,6450ruzaiYou can suspend user's account for a while and automatically release it after a period.
91,6450fuel_purchaseA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a fuel purchase
91,6450kemonomachi-wankoFetches torrent file links from RSS feeds based on user-specified rules. The links ...
91,6450inline_stylesheet_tagThis gem is used to inline short CSS stylesheets such as google fonts. This can drastic...
91,6450TauHelloHello from Tau!
91,6450get_lotteryUse prize-probability to get lottery
91,6450lita-downLita plugin that reports if a website is down or not.
91,6450mycrmDescription of MyCRM Gem.
91,6450plodCode made by: Assemble Company.