Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
153821-153840 of all 180,599 gems.
131,2430acts_as_concatenationMaking multiple values save in a single column as a concatenation of string,including a...
131,2430webpack_manifest_pluginGem that work with node manifest-webpack-plugin. A view helper ...
131,2430backup_railsEasy use backup gem with Rails.
131,2430can_i_useVery light Ruby wrapper on caniuse data.
131,2430compass-sourcemapsCompass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintena...
131,2430extended-shamir-secret-sharingGem for Shamir's Secret Sharing
131,2430unitypackageCreate and unpack .unitypackage files.
131,2430YKModuleCommandCreates iOS Module Files.
131,2430dummy_filesPull urls of random images/files from google searches to generate sample data.
131,2430bulk_importerImport big amount of data into any table of your project.
131,2430backup_restoreScript for unpacking backups produced by the backup gem. See https://github.com/backup/...
131,2430backup-taskProvides a db:backup rake task designed to work within a Rails app.
131,2430bootstrappers2Bootstrappers is the base Rails application using Bootstrap template and other goodies....
131,2430acts_as_auditedActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table
131,2430bosh-manifest-organizerOrganize your bosh manifests!
131,2430aws_infoA gem to provide an easy way to load the AWS information from a given AWS instance. A...
131,2430asholaA simple hello world gem, asongala.
131,2430wells_fargo-apiWellsFargo API wrapper
131,2430decidim-suomifiAdds Suomi.fi authentication provider to Decidim.
131,2430apophisThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.