Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
156261-156280 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630thrift-adamdRuby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
85,8630jekyll-fridgeJekyll plugin for building sites using Fridge content
85,8630itamae-plugin-recipe-letsencryptItamae plugin to install letsencrypt
85,8630muck-commentsThe comment engine for the muck system.
85,8630r2corba_devkitFake Devkit loader to satisfy stupid RubyInstaller pre-install hook.
85,8630logstash-filter-varnishloglogstash filter plugin reading varnishlog grouped by id
85,8630ledis-cliCall method post.
85,8630eship-rubywith Eship-ruby you can generate an order in the `dashboard` without the need to enter ...
85,8630studio_game_mjbwebVersion 1.0.0 of StudioGame A basic command line game taught in the Ruby programming c...
85,8630theiaA Ruby gem to create, compress, compare PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer/Chromium
85,8630roku-packagerRuby library for packaging Roku applications. Requires a Roku in development mode and a...
85,8630national_bank_of_romaniaThis gem provides the ability to download the exchange rates from the National Bank of ...
85,8630taroxdAn empty gem.
85,8630rails-adsense-helperThanks to ihaveu.com team.
85,8630my_arrayA simple hello world gem
85,8630lsawsUser-friendly AWS resources listing tool
85,8630gunark-rubycas-clientClient library for the Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol.
85,8630meszarosxUnit Test Patterns related utilities for RSpec
85,8630ecm_slidersECM Module Template.
85,8630selenium-webdriver-full-screenshotExtended FullScreenshots To Selenium::Webdriver