Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157021-157040 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630superbot-capybarasuperbot verified capybara
85,8630keyboxA set of command line applications and ruby libraries for secure password storage and p...
85,8630rubyhexagonRubyhexagon provides Ruby bindings for the e621 API.
85,8630ib_ruby_proxyInvoke IB Java API from Ruby
85,8630easy_formatRuby library for ease of merging hashes recursively, conforming to OS filesystem friend...
85,8630nuid-sdkSDK for interacting with NuID APIs in Ruby
85,8630middlegemMiddlegem is a ruby gem that provides simple middleware chains with goals of simplicity...
85,8630htmle*Experimental gem under development* Htmle (HTML + Domle) is an implementation of an HT...
85,8630norikra-listener-zabbixNorikra listener plugin to send performance data for Zabbix.
85,8630react-plotly-railsReact-Plotly gem
85,8630riemann-aged-process-monitorSets up monitoring on processes for Linux systems only - can be filtered by user, age a...
85,8630respectRespect lets you specify object schema using a Ruby DSL. It also provides validators, s...
85,8630guard-minitest-decisivGuard::Minitest automatically run your tests with MiniTest framework (much like autotest)
85,8630taggitA toolkit for writing view modules.
85,8630godfat-friendly_formatmake user input be valid xhtml and format it with gsub("\n", "
") etc. you ca...
85,8630dreadDraw a graph of dependently destroyable associations and never dread about destroying y...
85,8630slack_neuralyzerThis is a ruby gem for bulk delete messages and files on Slack channels.
85,8630soffes-blog-jekyllA jekyll version of soffes.blog, because it wasn't written in jekyll and I liked the wa...
85,8630nxa-sunspotSunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sun...
85,8630gotasksRake tasks and rules for compiling go projects (http://golang.org)