Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157341-157360 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800rack-oauth-wrapA simple implementation of Web Resource Authorization Protocol (WRAP) for Rack as middl...
102,5800terraformwA CLI tool to switch terraform workspace.
102,5800rack-http_trace_rejectorReject HTTP TRACE requests via middleware.
102,5800statsdA network daemon for aggregating statistics (counters and timers), rolling them up, the...
102,5800null_deliveryA Rails delivery method that does nothing.
102,5800oareAllows Oauth usage in Active Resource
102,5800watir_sessionThis gem leverages the Watir test library to allow for easy access to configurarion and...
102,5800siphashA Ruby implementation of SipHash.
102,5800nominateAn interface to the W- and DW-NOMINATE political scaling programs, written by Keith...
102,5800resque-missionresque-mission adds Missions (multi-step jobs) to Resque
102,5800ancestors_visualizationAutomatically generate an ancestors-relationship diagram for the gem.
102,5800polyn-cliCLI for the Polyn service framework
102,5800active_model-shazAdds state tracking and a few extra snappy save and destroy methods to your model API
102,5800provisionLets one hook a provision for a method
102,5800remarkable_mongo_ignRemarkable Matchers for MongoDB ORMs
102,5800mvn_watchA "continuous integration local tester" for maven projects (typically java), such that ...
102,5800badgify-rubyA Ruby gem for interacting with Badgify's REST API
102,5800youtube_syncDownload your youtube videos from a text file list
102,5800quakelive_apiPseudo API for QuakeLive
102,5800ntimelinedescription of gem