Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
157561-157580 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380governor_thinking_sphinxA plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system that adds ThinkingSphinx search...
89,5380syslogger5424Logger subclass to log to syslog using the RFC 5424 format, with support for STREAM- an...
89,5380s3etagcalculate AWS S3 etag by multi upload
89,5380flangaFlanga Jekyll Theme
89,5380smartling_railsSmartling support library for automation of rails platforms using I18N
89,5380irasutoya-cliCLI tool for irasutoya
89,5380student_nmrecStudent invitation to nmrec
89,5380lrc_report_fulla report handler for chef
89,5380dgamboa_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
89,5380happy_bday_abhishek_bhawaretest Gem
89,5380tiny_barlike a progress bar, but can also be used to measure used capacity of something
89,5380trakioTrakIO Ruby Client Library
89,5380lean-microsoft-graphThis gem provides a set of methods to interact with Microsoft Graph API.
89,5380owasp_ri_scraperScrape currently scheduled event from OWASP.org for PVDTechEvents.com
89,5380gensetDescription of Genset.
89,5380money-ecbA Money::Bank that will fetch foreign exchange rates from the EU Central Bank (ECB).
89,5380jumanpp_rubyThis gem is Ruby binding for JUMAN++
89,5380executable_pathnameProvide additional methods to inspect executable files, as a Pathname subclass
89,5380hola_from_wendyA simple hello world gem
89,5380harleytt-ansitagsConverts ANSI codes to HTML tags