Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158321-158340 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840mgnetmeA simple wrapper for the Mgnet.me magnet-link shortening API
143,3840yellowlab-akephalosHeadless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara
143,3840undoThe Undo restores previous object state. Lightweight, modular and very flexible library...
143,3840mongo_clarifyMake MongoDB's explain results more understandable.
143,3840my_formGenerate your forms
143,3840markwikiMarkwiki is a Ruby gem designed to ease the development and maintenance of locally...
143,3840weekly_plannerThe weekly_planner gem primarily creates a weekly-planner.txt template file
143,3840wanew-client-validateClient Validate mainly appiled for WaNew Engine in the browser client side validate utils
143,3840map_reduceSimple distributed Map Reduce Framework on Ruby
143,3840oldie_rails_modelsBasic support of Rails 2 models in Rails 4.
143,3840yaml-ostructRead yaml files recursively from a given directory and return an OpenStruct retaining t...
143,3840old_plaidRuby gem wrapper for the OldPlaid API. Read more at the homepage, the wiki, or the plai...
143,3840lazy_cacheDescription of LazyCache.
143,3840nl_gas_stationsGet the prices of gas stations in The Netherlands.
143,3840cb_hashieHashie is a small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful. Currently include...
143,3840thorero-genMerb gen: generators suite for Merb.
143,3840wppsShare code's snippets by using twitter and pastie
143,3840mamechiwaSeriarizer to store databae via active record. murina mono ha muri!
143,3840transilatorFast and efficient model translations in the databse for PostgreSQL hstore and JSON.