Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
158301-158320 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840locale-data-importRails plugin to easily generate locale files (.yml) from unicode.org locale data like t...
143,3840yasoOne more Service Object pattern implementation
143,3840weather-icons-for-railsI like weather-icons and I like rails.
143,3840mongoid-locomotiveMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
143,3840tmintminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...
143,3840logjam_loggerSyslog-compatible rails logger
143,3840wechatpayA gem to deal with Wechat payment.
143,3840tenpayA Ruby wrapper of Tenpay(财付通) Payment API
143,3840ya_kassaYandex Kassa API
143,3840oauth-providerRails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider
143,3840omniauth-accountAn OmniAuth to authenticate against local accounts
143,3840monqueSimple queue on top of MongoDB, conforming roughly to Resque's API
143,3840master_slave_adapter_tcurdtActs as a ActiveRecord adapter and allows you to setup a master-slave environment.
143,3840npaNumbering Plan Area assignments for NANP (North American Numbering Plan)
143,3840xrpRipple XRP Library
143,3840mina-logrotateLogrotate features to use with mina
143,3840lita-apimemelita-memegen was broken, so I put this together. Work in progress.
143,3840omniauth-renren-hi54ytan omniauth strategy for renren
143,3840yodaSpec yoda will, and spec you shall too.