Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
159401-159420 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920SensorStreamA Ruby implementation of the SensorStream API
95,5920hogThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920jumpcloudAllows simple configuration of a system name and its JumpCloud tags, and allows you to ...
95,5920dash_creatorDashCreator is a client-side dashboard creator gem. It can be used with any database to...
95,5920jekyll-llnl-themeLLNL Themed Jekyll Template and Gem
95,5920schizmA literate programming tool for C/C++
95,5920jferris-monetaA unified interface to key/value stores
95,5920date_holidays-readerThis provides a read-only interace over the data provided by the date-holidays Node mod...
95,5920el4rEl4r enables you to write Emacs programs in Ruby(EmacsRuby) as well as in EmacsLisp. It...
95,5920inflation_dbIt's 2019. Those other inflation-calculating gems haven't been updated since 2014.
95,5920deribit-v2Deribit.com API v2 ruby adapter
95,5920gestopftFramework for CLI Application
95,5920shaken_not_stirredRuby client to interact with Cocktails API - https://juanroldan.com.ar/cocktails-api-la...
95,5920giantbombProvides a simple, easy to use interface for the Giant Bomb video game wiki API.
95,5920sibaSIBA is a backup and restore utility. It implements daily backup rotation scheme. It re...
95,5920ruby-tokyotyrantA C based TokyoTyrant Ruby binding
95,5920sunrise-cmsSunrise is a Open Source CMS
95,5920dcuiDocker Compose Web UI
95,5920jferris-sconnectSconnect extends ActiveRecord's named_scope chains to allow scopes to be combined inclu...
95,5920ruby-phoenixRuby Client SDK For Apache Phoenix.