Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160861-160880 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920cactusCactus is a CSS testing framework. It ensures that you always have the same CSS styling...
95,5920fe_sipgateUses Ferrum to login to Sipgate with your credentials to query the account balance.
95,5920component_embedded_rubyHTML templates with embedded Ruby components
95,5920http_fnHttp client that levrage the use of fp principle
95,5920jpmobile-ipaddressesCarrier IP Address List for jpmobile
95,5920sifferSiffer is a SIF that plans to remove the complexity from the implementation. Siffer...
95,5920hyprSuch Hypr! Very speed!
95,5920tdiary-coffeescriptCoffeeScript Filter for tDiary.
95,5920currencyConvertA simple gem
95,5920env_extenv_ext adds additional methods to ENV for common environment variables, used on Linux,...
95,5920cocoroA client library talking to the same API that the Cocoro Air mobile apps do. Not affili...
95,5920rugraphA graph library implementing basic directed graph functions and some algorithms.
95,5920generated_schema_validationsAfter each migration it generates a file with some validations. Each active record shou...
95,5920chronos_timecalculatorGem to calculate times between two dates based on working ours and days
95,5920tabsterRails tabs generation library
95,5920sundawg_geonames_clientRuby client interface to all and future RESTful geo-services provided by geonames.org.
95,5920foreman_remote_execution_coreSsh remote execution provider code sharable between Foreman and Foreman-Proxy
95,5920fake_pipeAnonymize a database SQL dump file by adding schema comments and piping through `fake_p...
95,5920haml-hikidoc-filterHaml filter that converts the HikiDoc syntax.
95,5920sql_mapperActiveRecord extension that provides large performance improvements when you need large...