Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160841-160860 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920respond_for_helperA rails helper for responding request format
95,5920strapiSimple Ruby classes for Strapi content types
95,5920dhoard_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
95,5920date_range_converterConverts datestrings into Ruby Range objects
95,5920emojimageTurn images into collages of emoji
95,5920irregularModule providing a method to compile regular expressions from templates.
95,5920role_based_securityRoleBasedSecurity is a gem that implements role based security for authlogic.
95,5920guessmailFind anyone's email address
95,5920flexible-nested-formGem to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form. Rails 2 plugin by Ryan Bat...
95,5920chef-handler-run-dataExports node data to disk at end of successful run
95,5920dribbble-bucket-syncSynchronises your Dribbble buckets with a local folder
95,5920git-stash-commitwhen have the change files, commit to 'stash-commit' branch, and restore it. this comma...
95,5920crawlab_ruby_sdkWrite a longer description or delete this line.
95,5920envless[WIP] - The most secure, open source and frictionless way to share and manage app secre...
95,5920firehouseWalking directions to nearest firehouse
95,5920rt-logmanLogman, formalized logging micro-abstraction
95,5920fluent-plugin-clouderametricsInput plugin for cloudera manager.
95,5920dropbox-archiveAutomatically upload files to dropbox and remove them from the local filesystem when th...
95,5920cynergy-webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...