Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160821-160840 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920r-jekyll-themeA red portfolio Jekyll theme.
95,5920jrexmlJREXML is an add-on for JRuby that uses a Java pull parser library to speed up REXML.
95,5920fc2jsonfc2json queries, downloads and formats all data from a remote Esri feature service, exp...
95,5920swagger_ui_static_engineMount Swagger UI in a Rails app, via an engine, in as simple, editable, maintainable, S...
95,5920hola_a1616tsA simple hello world gem
95,5920emass_clientThe emass_client is a ruby gem that implements the Enterprise Mission Assurance Support...
95,5920kacademicAcademic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.
95,5920foreman_ovirtForeman oVirt plugin
95,5920robb-totothe tiniest blog-engine in Oz. Build of evaryont's branch with better permalink choices
95,5920jpdf_creatorA gem to write pdf using prawn
95,5920rand_paletterandam colors
95,5920embulk-input-yahoo_adsLoads records from Yahoo Ads.
95,5920CommentUnitWrite RUnit Tests in Comments
95,5920scramblr["scramble words or check their counts in a string e.g. 'some bad words are f'*** bad ...
95,5920doughboyDoughboy is a Ruby library that strives to enable developers to easily make subprocesse...
95,5920genomichdtA Sinatra RESTful web-service for sharing RDFized genomic data.
95,5920donors_chooseA gem to wrap the DonorsChoose.org API.
95,5920isaacSmall DSL for writing IRC bots.
95,5920surprisecaseThe gem is for testing purpose has no purpose.
95,5920jekyll-asset-urlDynaic asset urls for Jekyll