Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
160801-160820 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920iconify-rubyIconify ruby tools.
95,5920clause_extractorEnglish verbal clause extractor
95,5920houdiniRails 3 Engine for using the Houdini Mechanical Turk API
95,5920dm-parseAn extension to make DataMapper working on Parse.com
95,5920file_sorterSimple folder generator for you files or photos
95,5920rake_db_dumpProvides a rake db:dump task so no SQL client is needed
95,5920env_enforcerenv-enforcer allows you to list your required ENV variables, and checks for their prese...
95,5920iscinc-hwThis Ruby gem tests the commands of a iSC Inc. Ruby project.
95,5920divergentthe collection provides class handling errors in ruby
95,5920ith_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
95,5920etiqueta_railsThis friendly etiqueta rails gem give you tags in your Rails app.
95,5920hanzi-converterConvert Hanzi to pinyin. Unlike other similar gems, this includes tones and can accurat...
95,5920hola_mjwattsA simple hello world gem
95,5920fluent-plugin-ipinfoFluentd filter plugin. It fetches geographical location data of an IP address.
95,5920centralposRuby wrapper for the CentralPos WebService
95,5920jekyll-theme-leap-monthLeap Month is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
95,5920HafestrometreI use this process to train my language model as I flesh out my constructed language. U...
95,5920chrome_ssbMild ruby-based Cli app to generate Chrome Site-Specific Browsers on Mac OS X
95,5920boostThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.