Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162241-162260 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700validatable2Validations for Ruby objects
38,9700wpmakeMakes a fresh wordpress install with some defaults. *** currently only supports pagodab...
38,9700mdaines-feasibleLine-breaking algorithm based on TeX
38,9700icanhasaudioHai! icanhasaudio? is an interface to lame for decoding ur MP3s. I iz in ur computer. ...
38,9700mdarby-acts_as_video_fuRails plugin that easily allows you to show video streams on your site.
38,9700rails_admin_gridRailsAdminGrid is a custom action for RailsAdmin that displays objects in a grid with t...
38,9700mathmasSymblic Mathmatics library inspired by SymPy and dxdy
38,9700pastebinlibA library for using the PasteBin API
38,9700hiera-templateCreate hiera templates
38,9700rubius2Rubius provides a simple interface to RADIUS authentication
38,9700pry-pipelinePipeline for pry
38,9700police-dataflowPure Ruby implementtion of data flow label propagation.
38,9700esbitA lightweight gem to interact with the Campfire API
38,9700magtek_card_readerProvides a convenient wrapper around libusb to read credit cards with a Magtek Credit C...
38,9700melaiBuild your repositories with melai
38,9700omniauth-delegated-authenticationDelegated Authentication protocol developer strategy for Omniauth
38,9700ruby_thread_poolYou can easily run number limited threads in parallel with ruby.
38,9700tealeavesExponential smoothing based forecasting methods for time series data
38,9700sanzangSanzang is a compact and simple cross-platform machine translation system. It was desig...
38,9700taskmapper-zendeskAllows taskmapper to interact with Your System.