Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
162221-162240 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700temperature_converter_DaLeConverter cecius to fahrenheit and kelvin
38,9700code_brkr_game_trainingDo not use the code of this project for real tasks
38,9700headshopManage meta tags through an external yml file. Easy configuration. Takes ugly boilerp...
38,9700mod-consSelf-declaring, self-aware, modular configuration for Ruby apps
38,9700heroku_mongo_watcherAlso notifies you when certain thresholds are hit. I have found this much more accurat...
38,9700nanoRuby's Atomic Library
38,9700megaphone-clientSend events to Megaphone.
38,9700lita-gerritGerrit API client and hook events handler
38,9700tanraya-playmoThis just only for my purposes
38,9700separated_valuesGem for parsing separated values documents
38,9700ipwebcam_sensor2020Fetches the motion and sound event data from the IP Webcam webserver API #Android #JSON...
38,9700rubygems-s3Allow private s3 repos as rubygems sources
38,9700turbo_componentComponents with super powers
38,9700vermelinhoVermilinho attempts to translate 'hello world' in multiple languages
38,9700activerecord_liquid_dropsAdds support for creating liquid language drop classes for ActiveRecord models and assi...
38,9700objecheckschema and validator for a Ruby object
38,9700sunspot_offlineBecause Solr sometimes fails, it happens. It might be a maintenance work you have to do...
38,9700kik-railsKik assets
38,9700mconnell-generatorsGenerators for building Ruby on Rails projects the Rubaidh Way
38,9700mcornick-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub