Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
163041-163060 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840versionifierVersion number update gem
143,3840kolach_locomotive_cmsThis is a Devise version dependency bug patched Locomotive CMS v2.0.0.rc12. Devise upda...
143,3840legacy_enumAllows you to address enumerated integer columns as more sane and readable symbols
143,3840omgbbqReserved for some glorious day in the future.
143,3840yaml-file-dbYAML file database
143,3840marvel_moviesThis Gem scrapes movies from the Marvel website and then displays them. You can choose ...
143,3840yasuriYasuri (鑢) is a library for declarative web scraping and a command line tool for scrapi...
143,3840lita-dogebombLita handler for doge bombs
143,3840doufuruSimple wrapper for Douban API v2
143,3840noxHandy utilities for coding
143,3840trackmeSimple user activity tracking
143,3840microengineMicroEngine is a fast, simple and minimalistic site engine. It contain good i18n suppo...
143,3840yandex_detectoryandex_detector is a gem, wich uses Yandex.Detector API to detect via request's headers...
143,3840object-inA monkeypatch on Object which adds the instance method "in?", which is Array#include? w...
143,3840omniauth-prxPRX strategy for OmniAuth using OAuth2
143,3840middleman-gh_pagesMiddleman deploy to GitHub that just works.
143,3840lcgstyleRubocop configuration for Chef's ruby projects
143,3840wellreadAn awesome gem
143,3840material_raingular-aceExtending Material Raingular with an ace code window directive.