Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
163061-163080 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840thundersvmHigh performance parallel SVMs for Ruby
143,3840verbVerb is Rack middleware that serves RHTML files.
143,3840yammer_apiRuby wrapper for Yammer API, using OAuth 2.0
143,3840macttsRuby wrapper around the Mac OS X say command
143,3840tictactien-gemTic-Tac-Toe game in Ruby...
143,3840validateValidations is a library for validating data structures.
143,3840oekakiA simple drawing module with GTK+
143,3840modest_canvas_railsThis packages a bunch a charting javascript modules built using d3js
143,3840lita-queueLita plugin to manage channel specific queue
143,3840yahoo_finanzaAn easy to use and updated yahoo finance gem with finance utils...
143,3840azure-fixMicrosoft Azure Client Library for Ruby
143,3840mycashflowA simple client for the MyCashflow API
143,3840young_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applicaitons.
143,3840universal_dom_remoteInteracts with the web browser via websockets using a SimplePubSub broker. Note: Tested...
143,3840lmb-developersGem to consume APIs available at Leroy Merlin Brazil Developer's Portal https://develop...
143,3840libxslt-ruby-r19mingw1The Libxslt-Ruby project provides Ruby language bindings for the GNOME XSLT C lib...
143,3840logstash-filter-languageThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
143,3840vamlGet your secrets from vault
143,3840logstash-input-gitlogLogstash Events from Git History
143,3840obfuscSimple script to obfuscate one or more files preserving the directory tree