Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
164381-164400 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700sinatra-authentication-oranSimple authentication plugin for sinatra.
38,9700ex_machinaA simple and OOP implementation of StateMachine
38,9700keyczar-jrubyThis is a JRuby library for the Java Keyczar cryptographic toolkit.
38,9700peterhoeg-condition_builderThis gem assists in creating conditions and criteria for use in ActiveRecord .find stat...
38,9700maroonmaroon makes DCI a DSL for Ruby it's mainly based on the work gone into Marvin, the fir...
38,9700peterpunk-acl9Role-based authorization system for Rails with a nice DSL for access control lists
38,9700yelpmeYelpme is used to utilize Yelp's API from the command line using the already existing y...
38,9700capistrano-cmLightweight cap extensions to assist in server configuration management
38,9700http_stubA service virtualization tool that encourages contract based tests in API consumers and...
38,9700humble_rpi-plugin-tiltsensorA Humble RPi plugin to detect movement using a tilt sensor.
38,9700pipeblockThis project was created to improve code reading by passing the return method of a func...
38,9700rabbit-slide-kou-rubydata-tokyo-meetup-2018Apache Arrowの2018年11月現在の最新情報を紹介します。特に、Ruby関連の部分を紹介します。
38,9700be9-rubbrBuild LaTeX documents.
38,9700sidedockSimplify working with Docker by running Dockerfiles from your Rails app
38,9700swisstopo_reframeswisstopo_reframe is a wrapper for the Swisstopo Reframe REST API to convert coordinate...
38,9700kansuGem for log into redis that logstash can read
38,9700pipeline_deals_apiRuby library for communicating with PipelineDeals API V3
38,9700fastlane-plugin-xliff_en_gengen Localizable.strings file from xliff
38,9700jimjamJimJam JomJam JamJem
38,9700bootstrap-extended-utilitiesAn extension of Twitter's Bootstrap Utility classes