Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166901-166920 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051moleculerThis is a Ruby implementation of the Moleculer framework.
103,2051quick_magickQuickMagick allows you to access ImageMagick command line functions using Ruby interface.
103,2051lwqzxlwqzx infos.
103,2051kieran_gemKieran is the best
103,2051quiet_down_rakeA monkey patch of Rake to make it slightly quieter when failing. Removes most strings t...
103,2051pixoWrite a longer description or delete this line.
103,2051fullstack-contactsContact form and backend for fullstack-cms
103,2051google-apis-realtimebidding_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for Real-time Bidding API V1alpha. Simple REST clients a...
103,2051keyword_structRead-only struct initialized with mandatory keyword arguments
103,2051polymathpolynomial library
103,2051pdf_specThis library includes matchers that use Poppler and Cairo to render PDF files as im...
103,2051pg_schemaSupport for postgres schemas
103,2051okdoki_sql_ladderA gem that uses the i_dig_sql gem to generate SQL strings. You can it an instance a...
103,2051logotomyGive Rails Logging a Lobotomy.
103,2051sitemap_builderRails plugins to build sitemap.xml
103,2051rubyfarm-bisectrubyfarm-bisect allows you to do "git bisect" MRI revisions without compilation.
103,2051corporate-aigenerates a random string of corporate bs and makes your computer say it
103,2051git-pr-release-roadrunnergit-pr-release creates a pull request which summarizes feature branches that are to be ...
103,2051magesaan easier way to access wkhtmltopdf-amd64 in heroku rather than putting it in the app