Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166921-166940 of all 180,681 gems.
157,4850vcothis is test for vco
157,4850twitter2mastodonImport Tweet from twitter and publish them to Mastodon.
157,4850twitter_connectfacebook connect style twitter oauth
157,4850websocket-tdA multi-threaded WebSocket client, i.e. without event machine
157,4850wikifyActive Record Model history/versioning with restore functionality.
157,4850to_paramA one-liner solution for ActiveRecord::Base#to_param
157,4850standardapiStandardAPI makes it easy to expose a query interface for your Rails models
157,4850swornSworn is Rack middleware to handle OAuth 1.0a signed requests
157,4850train-digitaloceanThis plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean
157,4850str_helper_jcString Helper
157,4850tylerhunt-relaxA flexible library for creating web service consumers.
157,4850ww21some description
157,4850spyou_rpx_nowHelper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation
157,4850template-ruby-parserLike "Hello {name}" with {name: "Dorian"} gives "Hello Dorian"
157,4850token_authA Rails engine that allows for configuring secure communication between client and serv...
157,4850vagrant-providerVagrant plugin for provider swapping
157,4850specularExports results from RSpec to GitHub, GitHub Issues, and Slack
157,4850streamsbStreamSB ruby client
157,4850tastes_bitterJavaScript error notifications for Rails.