Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
166981-167000 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920rakuten_travel_apiThis is API Client for rakuten travel api
95,5920BreinifyBreinifys DigitalDNA API puts dynamic behavior-based, people-driven data right at your ...
95,5920seventeen_monSimply find location by IP.
95,5920fast_priority_queueA blazzingly fast implementation of priority queue using Rust + Ruru
95,5920hiventAn event stream implementation that aggregates facts about your application
95,5920faker_dndA simple faker DnD gem
95,5920cama_image_lightboxCamaleon CMS Plugin to display images in popup.
95,5920keyword_hash_buildera shorthand for building hashes, in the manner of javascript
95,5920calavera-trinidadSimple library to run rails applications into an embedded Tomcat
95,5920cantoneseSet of scraper and processor to fetch Cantonese data.
95,5920fastlane_ciOpen source, self hosted, mobile optimized CI powered by fastlane
95,5920fxxk_genfxxk_gen is code generator for languages derived from Brainfxxk. It was impressed by r-...
95,5920dashing-jrubyThis framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...
95,5920cron_config_parserYou can parse the cron configuration for readability.
95,5920delayed_job_sequelSequel backend for delayed_job
95,5920smarta_api_clientA combination basic client for the MARTA RESTful API and an enhanced, ...
95,5920capcode-render-sassCapcode plugin to render via Sass
95,5920cameroncox-slicehost-tooltools utilizing the slicehost api
95,5920blacklight_more_like_thisBlacklight Solr More-Like-This plugin
95,5920forem-legionTheme legion for forem.