Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168041-168060 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840lettrlettr.de Api
143,3840minuteNatural Language Date/Time parsing library for Ruby
143,3840lowang-wheneverClean ruby syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.
143,3840moped-rails-instrumentationRecords time spent in Moped for mongo and adds to request logs.
143,3840ultimate-mixinsSimple and minimalistic library of SASS functions, mixins and basic polyfills to create...
143,3840lustr-wxdescription of gem
143,3840motion-gemA RubyMotion gem for scaffolding other RubyMotion gems
143,3840modular_migrationRails migration files generates into relevant modular directory.
143,3840miletbaker-decimalizerCreate virtualised decimal attributes for a monetary value stored as an int pence / cents.
143,3840materializecssThis is a gem for Rails with MaterializeCSS assets inside.
143,3840lifo-ppAlgoritmo LIFO (Ăšltimo en entrar, primero en salir)
143,3840namxam-ts-delayed-deltaManage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx (including fix for bundler)
143,3840marauderWrapper for the Google Base product search API.
143,3840mixersRuby Mixers is collection mixin modules for the Ruby programming language. Mixers is a ...
143,3840llab-generatorsSome useful generators to setup and scaffold Rails applications.
143,3840unofficial-github-apiRead more documentation at repository homepage.
143,3840ObjectModelObjectModel is an Object Oriented Database inspired by MDD approach, db4o and ZODB.
143,3840mcgill-utilsCrawl McGill's website and the Visual Schedule Builder to determine which courses a...
143,3840TOSwimScraperScraper to grab City of Toronto lane swim data creating a JSON file with geotagged pools