Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168061-168080 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840omniauth-dobtInternal OmniAuth strategy for the DOBT Platform.
143,3840nutshell_apiAn API wrapper for the Nutshell CRM.
143,3840mind_meister_clientClient for API of web based mind mapping app -- MindMeister
143,3840much-pluginAn API to ensure mixin included logic (the "plugin") only runs once.
143,3840lyb_devise_adminLybDeviseAdmin provides a ready-to-use admin interface for devise.
143,3840thor-tropoThor tasks to package a project
143,3840netflix-spectator-rbconfEmpty configuration package to occupy the namespace on RubyGems.
143,3840mzmlA non-validating mzML parser. MzML is a standard data format for representing mass spec...
143,3840migratoryRails migration extender for default values and adding indexes
143,3840workarea-facebook_loginPlugin for sign in with Facebook on the Workarea ecommerce platform.
143,3840not_monadsSimple copy of [dry-monads](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-monads) do monads, it impleme...
143,3840ogoProvides information from opengraph tags for different social networks
143,3840wgwg is a simple git(hub|lab) command line tool to manage git projects locally in the ~/w...
143,3840yard-lucidYARD Documentation Generator for Gherkin-based Repositories
143,3840umarcts-sensu-plugins-slurmSensu + Slurm/SchedMD
143,3840ynab_convertUtility to convert CSV statements into the YNAB4 format for easier transation import. S...
143,3840virgoVirgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails
143,3840wizportA simple, extensible reporting system
143,3840lisp-rails-viewlisp-rails-view is a templating engine for HTML.
143,3840walltimeA Stopwatch you can use in all kinds of things