Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168501-168520 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840ninjudd-icunicodeICU Unicode Transliteration and Collation in Ruby.
143,3840tracksterDescription of Trackster.
143,3840nicovideoutils for nicovideo
143,3840nginx-configGenerate unicorn vhost for nginx
143,3840on_the_rocksA shot at a responsive fluid grid system with fixed gutter width using the fancy css3 c...
143,3840motion-font-iconSimple font icon support
143,3840malachiteA RubyGem which enables calling Go code from Rails.
143,3840moolGet operative system information: Disk, Memory, Cpu, Load-average, Processes.
143,3840xcknifeSimple tool for optimizing XCTest runs across machines. Works by leveraging xctool'...
143,3840mdb_basic_gemSimple gem to test the process of writing, buiding, and publishing a gem.
143,3840littlebird_api_clientFor use with Little Bird! Ya goof!
143,3840yabeda-cloudwatchYabeda AWS Cloudwatch adapter
143,3840usual_suspectGem that tracks suspicious activity within your user model.
143,3840wavesurfer-railsWavesurfer.js for the rails asset pipeline. http://wavesurfer-js.org/
143,3840novawhizlibrary and command line tool for simplifying openstack nova operations
143,3840notification_fuEasily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed
143,3840oa-blipOmniAuth strategy for blip.pl OAuth
143,3840useless-wait-listAn idealized restaurant wait list API.
143,3840nerdFast DCI