Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168521-168540 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840oa-pubcookieOmniauth strategy using pubcookie with special additions for CMU students where informa...
143,3840nofxx-object_daddyFixture killer
143,3840towerdata_emailget_lead data using the TowerData API
143,3840metaheuristic_algorithmsVarious metaheuristic algorithms implemented in Ruby.
143,3840oheyA rewrite of the platform detection logic in ohai, but with fewer dependencies and 100%...
143,3840nilableNilable object is a tool to handle nil invocations.
143,3840web_authnW3C Web Authentication API (a.k.a. WebAuthN / FIDO 2.0) RP library in Ruby
143,3840touchscreen-tapsAllows to recognize tap-and-hold gesture
143,3840werewolfThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
143,3840merb_app_configMerb plugin that provides easy to use Application Configurations via YAML
143,3840mac_baconBacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all ...
143,3840unixinfoA small hodgepodge of neat little UNIX API things I like to have access to without shel...
143,3840nvlopeRuby wrapper for the nvlope.com API
143,3840logstash-input-datahubThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
143,3840voteable_jhl88Voting gem for multiple projects.
143,3840nofxx-tokyo_storeTokyo Tyrant rails session store
143,3840vexVex: some ruby extensions
143,3840tpt_serverlessTpT serverless utils for Ruby
143,3840whatsnewFind out what's new about a project
143,3840theatreA library for choreographing a dynamic pool of hierarchially organized actors on Ruby v1.8