Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
168541-168560 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840nonogramssolve the puzzle game nonograms.
143,3840wl`wl` is an unofficial Ruby client and command line interface for the truly awesome Wund...
143,3840majounAn HTTP cookie implemented in ruby
143,3840lita-github-deployGitHub Flow via Lita.
143,3840method_callbacksAdd after, around, and before callbacks to methods in your classes
143,3840wikiavroConvert MediaWiki XML dumps to Avro
143,3840unxlsParser for Microsoft Excel .xls files
143,3840net-flickrFlickr library for Ruby.
143,3840nimboids-workflowWorkflow is a finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling and interacting with w...
143,3840wwood-reachFor instance, a ReachableArray of Book objects can not only take normal Array methods s...
143,3840validate_email_addressextend ActiveRecord validations by checking if a string is a valid email address
143,3840webpack-rails-reactProduction-tested, JavaScript-first tooling to use webpack within your Rails application
143,3840bluejayA fast GraphQL engine.
143,3840mario_towerBuilding Mario tower with specified height
143,3840xccov-parseParse xccov JSON format and get particular formatted hash
143,3840textkolortextKolor generate hex color from normal string.
143,3840vincents_first_studio_game_gemThis gem is made following the Ruby Course of Pragmatic Studio on online.pragmaticstudi...
143,3840omnigollumOmnigollum adds support for OmniAuth in Gollum. It executes an OmniAuth::Builder proc/b...
143,3840webs-allocineAllocine.fr parser
143,3840transmissionrRuby client for Transmission RPC