Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
170041-170060 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171bunny_priority_queuePriority Queue library using Bunny with RabbitMQ.
147,2171cipher_bureauSometimes you need to generate passwords in your application. This gem does exactly t...
147,2171alu0100893861menu"Gema prc06"
147,2171active_resource_test_helperactive_resource_test_helper makes it easier to use ActiveResouce::HttpMock. ...
147,2171pay2go_clientAPI client for pay2go
147,2171sql-parser-tlA Racc-based Ruby parser for SQL statements; forked from https://github.com/cryodex/sql...
147,2171unicorn-fotopedia\Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on...
147,2171alvalaxiaFetches all Sporting Clube de Portugal football home games and adds them as events to a...
147,2171editor_baseBase components for Pixie Editors
147,2171asposeimagingjavaAsposeImagingJava is a Ruby gem that helps developers create, edit, draw or convert ima...
147,2171amazon-mws-plusA Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API
147,2171amazeballsfailshell's custom amazing library'
147,2171rainmaker_lro_clientClient Gem for Rainmaker LRO
147,2171cstashA simple stash
147,2171amanda_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
147,2171sumdog-geoipGeneric GeoIP lookup tool. Based on the geoip-c RubyGem by Matt Todd
147,2171compulsive-forksFinds the repos that you forked that can be safely deleted
147,2171rubydiffFind and list differences betweem Ruby objects