Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
170021-170040 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700eztagparserA simple way of extracting cheeky HTML Tags.
38,9700ffcrm_authlogic_apiAllow authentication via an application token
38,9700dateoperationsSimple date operations to determine weekends, holidays, and esp. business days. Based o...
38,9700fluent-plugin-postgres-flexStore fluentd structured log data in Postgres and TimescaleDB.
38,9700flukeWatch resources and determine how they change over time. Useful for post-mortem investi...
38,9700cmucmurb provides a clean, simple interface for accessing CMU data. It currently only supp...
38,9700fluent-plugin-ikachanoutput plugin for IRC-HTTP gateway 'ikachan' (see: https://metacpan.org/module/ikachan ...
38,9700pbandjA sandwich for every Ruby developer to enjoy
38,9700food_fish_parserFood products that contain fish sometimes indicate details like fishing area, metho...
38,9700loganb-mixpanelSimple lib to track events in Mixpanel service. It can be used in any rack based framew...
38,9700zaarly-swearjarPut another nickel in the swearjar. Simple profanity detection with content analysis.
38,9700trestle_generatorIndustrial-strength scaffolding for Ruby on Rails application development. A drop-in re...
38,9700Wiki2GoWiki2Go is a Ruby Wiki with the usual features plus anti-wikispam tools, graph drawing ...
38,9700fastlane-plugin-write_changelog_from_commitsWrites a changelog by pattern matching on git commits since the last tag. Organises the...
38,9700hot_tubFlexible connection pooling for Ruby.
38,9700fluent-plugin-heroku-postgresThis gem is fluent plugin to insert on Heroku Postgre.
38,9700fluent-plugin-ohaiThe plugin reads ohai data from the system and emits it to fluentd. It can be configure...
38,9700fluxoProvides a simple and powerful way to create operations service objects for complex wor...
38,9700pluckerPlucker allows projecting a query into a specifically defined struct for the query.
38,9700fnando-bookmakerA framework for creating e-books from Markdown/Textile text markup using Ruby. Using th...