Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174721-174740 of all 182,129 gems.
71,9710siestaA rails mountable engine setting up siesta for testing ExtJS
71,9710multiplay-was_changedA Gemplugin to extend ActiveRecord's dirty objects to AFTER the save is called.
71,9710devmateDevmate pops up random quotes on the screen as you work
71,9710gatling-rakeRake task for running gatling load tests
71,9710deepbeigeAn AI learning program that plays noughts and crosses
71,9710tradesDisplays the trading data that Bitcoincharts monitors nicely
71,9710sneakin-refinerycms-newsA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news plugin designed for integration...
71,9710My-Commerce_authRequired dependancy for My-Commerce
71,9710goncalossilva-subdomain_routesSubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be res...
71,9710unindentableUnindent strings, especially heredocs.
71,9710rails_bridgeAllows for easy embedding of content from a remote HTTP server and exporting of the Rai...
71,9710retry_uptoadds some useful options to retry code blocks
71,9710willowWillow is a slender system for generating static websites.
71,9710octoeventGrab activity events for you from Octocat
71,9710remarkable_date_validatorRemarkable matchers for date_validator
71,9710fluent-mixin-elapsed_timeFluentd mixin to measure elapsed time to process messages
71,9710padrino-authLean authorization and authentication modules for Padrino framework
71,9710nxlog-chef-formatterNXLOG Formatter for Chef
71,9710nested_attributes_serializerActiveModel serializer which returns hashes according to Rails nested attributes naming...
71,9710deep_cloningAllows you to dup an ActiveRecord object with selectively keeping attributes / associat...