Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182121-182140 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670saintlyA library for censoring naughty words
61,3670davidray-paperclipEasy upload management for ActiveRecord
61,3670fear-of-callbacksActiveRecord has lots of callbacks like before_save, this gem logs all of the used ones...
61,3670iab-FinancialProductBuilderFinancialProductBuilder is a series of scripts (and GUI) that allows new financial prod...
61,3670rubyzillaRubyzilla is a Ruby API for interfacing with bugzilla.
61,3670hash_filterSimple hash filter
61,3670jibrya ruby gem containing a bunch of standard methods (and such) ...
61,3670bearded-octo-hipsterThis is definitely a description...
61,3670fluent-plugin-yoA fluentd plugin to send Yo
61,3670ttcalcCalculation functions for Transparency Toolkit.
61,3670view_slotsA view slots infrastructure.
61,3670empire-clientRuby client for the Empire API. Empire is an API for accessing enterprise SaaS services...
61,3670valimThis gem is a must if you want to be awesome like José Valim.
61,3670flx-toolsInstall files to deploy on fluxflex.com
61,3670googlebooksGoogleBooks is a lightweight Ruby wrapper that queries the Google API to search for pub...
61,3670xapix_clientAccess xapix.io hosted projects with the ActiveResource based json_api_client library.
61,3670has_browserhas_browser makes it possible to create simple, parameterized browser interfaces to you...
61,3670faeEvaluates Finite Automata State Diagrams for correctness.
61,3670service_managerIt launches and interacts with a set of services from a single terminal window. * Colo...
61,3670jsonprettyCommand-line JSON pretty-printer, using the json gem.