Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
174761-174780 of all 181,553 gems.
40,3100Austins_Top_Yoga_Studios"Austin, Tx is a remarkable place of creativity and an array of vibes! Eighteen yoga st...
40,3100auric-vault-doorProvides access to API at https://www.auricsystems.com/products/paymentvault-tokenizati...
40,3100tpxFast Thread Pool
40,3100aunderwo-acts_as_treeAllows ActiveRecord Models to be easily structured as a tree
40,3100kosmas58-compass-jquery-pluginA compass plugin that integrates jRails, jQuery, jQuery UI and Themes, jqGrid and more ...
40,3100auth_engAuthEng is just Devise only with a different flow.
40,3100kriss-gettext_i18nExtended Globalize2 which is acting like gettext translations
40,3100kwatch-merb_helpers_monkeyMerb_helpers_monkey is a Merb plug-in to extend the followng helper methods defined in ...
40,3100laserlemon-vestal_versionsKeep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
40,3100laszpio-laszpio-googlechartsSexy Charts using Google API & Ruby
40,3100timcharper-declarative_authorizationdeclarative_authorization is a Rails plugin for authorization based on readable authori...
40,3100lichtamberg-Lighthouse_Exception_LoggerCreates exception-tickets in Lighthouse, similar to HopToads-functionality
40,3100Lipsiasoft-exception_notifierExtracted exception notifier of Lipsiadmin
40,3100Lipsiasoft-exception-notifierExtracted exception notifier of Lipsiadmin
40,3100lisa-reveReve is a Ruby library to interface with the Eve Online API
40,3100netsuite-rest-clientRESTlet-based client for Netsuite
40,3100focus-generatorA collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentic...
40,3100growl-ampelmaennchenSimple ampelmaennchen icons to be used with growl (extracted from https://github.com/sv...
40,3100KappaCUDAKappaConfig is a module to give easy access to NVIDIA CUDA from Ruby using the Kappa Li...