Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182101-182120 of all 183,459 gems.
61,3670fruitfactsSentence generator that generates facts on fruit. Good if you want random sentences
61,3670time_subtractTime object subtraction method available for easy use
61,3670rebootWrite a longer description. Optional.
61,3670homespreeHomespree support gem
61,3670will_pickdateRuby gem wrapping will_pickdate javascript widget giving support for rails datetime_sel...
61,3670brassbound-dciBrassbound is a simple but strict implementation of the Data, Context, and Interaction ...
61,3670rabbitmq_managerRuby wrapper for RabbitMQ management HTTP API
61,3670versionifierVersion number update gem
61,3670rapturenone yet
61,3670constrainableSanitizes simple and readable query parameters -great for building APIs & HTML filters
61,3670putio-rubyA simple library for communicating with the Put.io REST API
61,3670ttc_feedAccess some simple metrics provided by the TTC via their open data feed
61,3670scbi_cominerscbi_cominer is a ruby gem to calculate some interesting regions and statistics from co...
61,3670preludeEnables Ruby programmers to use higher-order functions, monads, and other Haskell featu...
61,3670craigp-smartcallGem to provide SMS functionality through the Smartcall Technology Solutions web service...
61,3670git_trackingUsage: after installing the gem, in your project directory, run: git_tracking
61,3670stomperClient library for message passing with brokers that support the Stomp protocol.
61,3670ruby-feedparserRuby library to parse ATOM and RSS feeds
61,3670watir-wait_with_refreshWatir::WaitWithRefresh extends Watir to include methods that will refresh the page unti...
61,3670factory_boyVersion 2.0.2 is compatible with ActiveRecord < 3.1 Version 2.0.3+ is compa...