Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
182101-182120 of all 182,229 gems.
66,1540geniA Ruby client to the geni.com API
66,1540peekabooAllows you to log method call information ( input arguments, class/method name, and ret...
66,1540photos_manager"Manage events & associated photos using uploadify and carrierwave."
66,1540calendar_viewExtends Rails application of calendar view
66,1540radiant-concurrent_draft-extensionEnables draft versions of pages, snippets and layouts, which can be scheduled for promo...
66,1540stash-magicA simple attachment system (file system or Amazon S3) that also handles thumbnails or o...
66,1540rforcedotcomRForcedotcom is a fork of RForce which provides the connection to Force.com.
66,1540exhibitExhibit is a simple gem to generate and work with presenters in Rails 3. It is based on...
66,1540hirefireHireFire automatically "hires" and "fires" (aka "scales") Delayed Job and Resque worker...
66,1540config_contextA library for help to configure applications
66,1540ghazel-jammitJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
66,1540spocketsSocket helper library
66,1540evriA beautiful API that wraps the RESTful services provided by evri.com.
66,1540thehenster-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...
66,1540sprockets_spacelyMr.Spacely, of Spacely Sprockets, Inc. had a mustache: http://www.google.com/search?q=m...
66,1540meansCalculates the different means for a data set (arithmetic, geometric and harmonic).
66,1540better_partialsAllows a simpler interface when calling partials
66,1540bushido_stubBest tool ever for Bushido developers
66,1540red_grapeRedGrape is an in-memory graph database written in ruby. I made this in order to learn ...
66,1540model_millGenerates bare model files that can be used for a migration of legacy data to new model...