Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176741-176760 of all 183,748 gems.
171,9620user_namingA rails gem providing naming methods for user models
171,9620wils_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
171,9620unbindISC BINDv9 config generator
171,9620urbanterror_statsUrbanTerror game logs analyzer
171,9620webget-current_user_idget/set a user in a rails app session
171,9620wptoolsWordPress tools
171,9620mbedtlsA gem that lets you use the mbed TLS cryptography library with Ruby.
171,9620vite-jekylla mobile-friendly Jekyll theme for designers and quick deploys
171,9620usno-eclipseObtain the circumstances of recent and upcoming solar or lunar eclipses for any location.
171,9620whoahbot-dm-redisDataMapper adapter for the Redis key-value database
171,9620iptablezA friendly Ruby API to iptables.
171,9620wasserstandUnofficial Ruby wrapper for Pegel Online
171,9620voynichKMS backed secret management library.
171,9620depfufuture command line/API client for the depfu service
171,9620welcome_cycleThe idea behind this gem is to abstract out the logic of sending out welcome emails dur...
171,9620calendar_builderSimple calendar helper
171,9620web_pushSend web push
171,9620webfontspecimenA Compass port of Nice Web Type's (Tim Brown) Web Font Specimen tool http://webfontspec...
171,9620winton-background_cacheGenerate caches before your users do (with Rails and cache_fu)