Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176741-176760 of all 180,487 gems.
147,2171webtaggerUse webtagger to use keyword extraction web services (yahoo, tagthe and alchemy) to ext...
147,2171cheflabProof of concept
147,2171ruby-crawlerSimple ruby web crawler
147,2171whowasMatch an IP address and timestamp to a username.
147,2171drunker-aggregator-prettyDefault aggregator for Drunker
147,2171soul_validationsAnother validation library
147,2171amply-rubyAmply Gem to Interact with Amply's API in native Ruby
147,2171simple_serverEasily serve content from a local directory.
147,2171voteable_jasonA simple voteable gem
147,2171custom_gemCustom Gem
147,2171wanglu_clientA ruby client which can access all Wanglu's API.
147,2171correios-frete-alternativeCalculo de frete utilizando o Web Service dos Correios (http://www.correios.com.br/webs...
147,2171reversoInterface for reverso.net translation service. Command-line tool included.
147,2171rl_hiya_awcSimple greeting
147,2171riemann-metricsForwards ActiveSupport::Notifications to a Riemann server
147,2171openupQuickly open project-related links from your project's root
147,2171openlogic-couchrest_modelCouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su...
147,2171por_flattenThis gem re-implements an Array flatten function in pure Ruby.
147,2171ontomde-demosInstaller for all ontomde demos. == FEATURES: Please refer to each specific enclosed ...
147,2171openai-ruby-clientA Ruby gem designed to provide developers with a convenient and easy-to-use client libr...