Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176821-176840 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682tailsThis gem provides a simple and easy MVC framework for use with our command line (termin...
139,2682ftdicFTDIC is a wrapper for the libftdi library. Libftdi is a library for communicating wit...
139,2682cnnamecnname provides support to handle the names of Chinese
139,2682basis_theoryRuby gem for the Basis Theory API. API docs can be found here: https://docs.basistheory...
139,2682dice-cliCLI for simulating dice rolls.
139,2682eagarcias-calculatorThis is my first gem. It is a simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and d...
139,2682bsielski-trunctateThis gem deliver an object that trunctate too long strings.
139,2682openassetsThe implementation of the Open Assets Protocol for Ruby.
139,2682webrelaisWeb interface for a controlling a HL-58S relais card via a Raspberry Pi
139,2682gg_checkThis tool are used to perform different type of checks for the gApps to encounter statu...
139,2682mysql_usersManage mysql users with minimal dependencies
139,2682under_rackUnderRack is a Ruby Framework for you understand Rack
139,2682vineyardRubygem for interacting w/ Vine's API
139,2682sluggable_dougThe best slugging gem ever
139,2682times_retryRetry a code block n times with backoff.
139,2682tabTab will take in multiple expenses from multiple people and produce a report of how to ...
139,2682jquery-datatables-rails-plusjquery-datatables gem for rails, edited by kornosk for specific purpose
139,2682connect_four_ab-akhConnect Four - 1 or 2 players
139,2682webget-action-controller-mockRails ActionController::Base mock object for testing