Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176821-176840 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840user_settingsStores and Accesses User Settings
143,3840norad_serverspec_runnerGem to help with serverspec.
143,3840xporterruby gem for DSL creating streaming CSV exports
143,3840walker_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
143,3840wj-jquery-railsThis gem provides jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application.
143,3840wrakeRuns rake without having to load the entire rais app
143,3840yymmddTiny DSL for idiomatic parsing and formatting of numeric date components.
143,3840yyyc514-lookupA gem that provides a lazy man's ri
143,3840xcbumpIncrements the version and build numbers for an Xcode project.
143,3840yesYAML Easy Schemas it a straight-foward but powerful YPath-based schema format and valid...
143,3840time-value-of-moneystill necessary
143,3840jruby-readlinereadline extension for JRuby
143,3840neural-networkA simple feed-forward Neural Network gem
143,3840movies_around_youFinds movies available in theaters around you by simply type in your zip.
143,3840national_day_listA simple api & cli for getting a list of national days from 'www.nationaldaycalenda...
143,3840mcc_mncMobile Country Code / Mobile Network Code lookup tool
143,3840yeelight-lamp-clientRuby client for yeelight lamps
143,3840material-colorRandomly generates the material color, if color code is specified, generates the color ...
143,3840upUp is a super-simple no-frills static web server.
143,3840mojitoA simple yet powerful webframework largely inspired by Rum and Cuba