Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176841-176860 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840acts-as-taggable-on-simonwhWith ActsAsTaggableOn, you could tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills...
143,3840ttdescription: tt kicks the ass
143,3840uc_student_numberValidate a student number from PUC (uc.cl)
143,3840mongoid_paging_tokenAn extension the generates a serialized Mongoid::Criteria for use as a paging token
143,3840vagrant-joyentvagrant-joyent is a Vagrant provider for various Joyent services. It enables Vagran...
143,3840net-addressNet::Address is a Ruby library designed to make manipulation of network addresses such ...
143,3840mongo-db-utilssome utilities for managing your mongod dbs
143,3840yard-bit-structYARD plugin for documenting bit-struct's DSL
143,3840timeywimeyTimeywimey wraps up several active_support modules and gives you access to time_ago_in_...
143,3840name_finderFind matching names in text, taking account of names that overlap but are different (Wa...
143,3840lambda-shCreated as a starter project by Safin Singh, Lambda is a beautiful, customized, and cro...
143,3840very_nifty_generatorsRails 3 nifty generators, based on efforts by ryanb and dvyjones
143,3840tourist_guidegem for tourists
143,3840wasabi-ng-1.6This a fork from Daniel Harrington's Wasabi with nokogiri updated to 1.6
143,3840mem_modelMemModel persists Ruby objects using MagLev as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveMod...
143,3840video_fileGet video metadata and create thumbnails
143,3840nexterWhat is Nexter ? A misspelled tv show or a killer feature ? Almost : it wraps your mode...
143,3840validates_uri_format_ofRails plugin that provides a validates_uri_format_of method to ActiveRecord models. URL...
143,3840model_template_resolverFind the template of a model like template inheritance but without relying on controllers
143,3840vpsZero-config deployments of Plug, Phoenix, Rack and Rails apps on a clean Ubuntu server ...