Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176841-176860 of all 183,729 gems.
139,2682workxpA Ruby interface to the WorkXP API.
139,2682mikeHeadless browser for testing purposes powered by V8 JavaScript engine (via Mustang gem)
139,2682oauth_doormancomposes authentification url, gets google acces_token of user account and gets access ...
139,2682activiti_konektorVery simple client for Activiti Rest
139,2682translation_serviceConnect a RoR porject to the transaltion service
139,2682mighty_associationsTraversing superpowers for your ActiveRecord associations
139,2682p8-castronautYour friendly, cigar smoking authentication dicator... From Space!
139,2682shingara-sinatra-authenticationSimple authentication plugin for sinatra.
139,2682webget-activerecord_memoize_class_methodsActiveRecord will extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable for class methods
139,2682libholdingsA gem for getting item holdings data from a z39.50 server
139,2682logstash-codec-csv2This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
139,2682vague_scraperWrite a longer description or delete this line.
139,2682tippy_tushartutejaA short Summar.
139,2682framegrabberAllows for capturing images easily
139,2682mimetypesdataYou probably meant `gem install mime-types-data`.
139,2682tiny_tds_wrapperA self-healing wrapper to be used with connection pooling
139,2682devicecheckPure Ruby implementation of the Apple App Attestation server side verifier
139,2682wrapsquareAn ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that maps Foursquare API venues to Ruby objects.
139,2682logstash-input-googleanalyticsThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...