Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
176861-176880 of all 180,507 gems.
143,3840layercakeLayerCake is a simple gem that allows you to specify more than one cache store in rails...
143,3840libx11Ruby binding of libx11 mostly for xlib
143,3840minicronA system to make it easier to manage and monitor cron jobs. Please note new versions ar...
143,3840third_partyClient for the mock server thing
143,3840tp_record_optimisticgem that implement optimistic lock using unicity restriction from database
143,3840mtg_search_parserA ruby implementation of a MTG search string parser.
143,3840vehicle_data_mnRetrieve vehicle data info by plate number for Mongolia
143,3840memorybeememrise -> beeminder bridge
143,3840web-scraperIt's an utility to scrape web pages
143,3840oauth_railsOAuth magic for Rails
143,3840xls_porterExport to and Import from XLS for Ruby and Rails apps
143,3840voraxThis is just a helper gem for VoraX, an Oracle IDE for geeks. It just defines the other...
143,3840tripalertzhelp communication with tripalertz API
143,3840wkhtmltoimage-x86_64Provides linux and Mac binaries for wkhtmltoimage project in an easily accessible packa...
143,3840literal_enumsA comprehensive Enum library for Ruby with literal-style syntax.
143,3840wubmailTool to quickly send emailings with a CSV file of users and an ERB template.
143,3840xorNaive implementation of Xor-filter for algorithm testing purposes..
143,3840tlopo-requestHTTP Library with Fluent and DSL API
143,3840marmaraGenerates a CSS coverage report and tests for minimum coverage
143,3840news_reader_cliParse API from News API for viewing 36 top US breaking news from a variety of publishers