Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
180201-180220 of all 182,298 gems.
101,5951has_zoneProvides a way to convert from TZinfo time zone identifer to ActiveSupport TimeZone for...
101,5951hookersContains default hooks files to integrate git with pivotal tracker and change log gener...
101,5951wheniworkWrapper for the WhenIWork's API
101,5951gem_file_conflict_checkerA gem plugin to warn you when you accidentally install files with names that collide ac...
101,5951gcm_helperA Google's GCM Service Server-side Helper
101,5951tech-angels-resque-throttleresque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency...
101,5951is_publishableGives a resouce the ability to be published against a certain date
101,5951env_inquiryUse dot notation to access ENV vars. A handy companion to dotenv-* gems
101,5951featherdustFeatherdust is a simple Twitter gem that grabs and parses data via the Twitter API. NO...
101,5951kate-getKate-Get takes a space separated list of file paths and checks each one against a list ...
101,5951active_admin_csv_importCSV import for Active Admin capable of handling CSV files too large to import via direc...
101,5951term_extractionTerm extraction library
101,5951hunspell-i18nRuby bindings for libhunspell-1.2 with i18n support
101,5951maktoubA simple newsletter engine for rails.
101,5951sskirby-resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to s...
101,5951has_secure_attributeDoes what `has_secure_password` does, but for any attribute that you want. It does not ...
101,5951trinitycrdriverA gem to allow coderunner to run the trinity code directly.
101,5951lyrics_finderSimple library for finding song lyrics
101,5951liquidityThis gem adds a "column_sort" method to the Array class.
101,5951fexSmall wrapper around Savon for using FedEx Web Services